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Easter Bread

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In many European countries, there are various traditions surrounding the use of bread during the Easter holiday.

Italy tradition of Easter Bread

In Sardinia, Italy, bread is apart of a wide social context. It is the most important food in Sardinia, as well as all over Italy and the Mediterranean. "Bread is a nexus of economic, political, aesthetic, social, symbolic, and health concernts" (Counihan, p.29). Bread is symbolic for life. A peasant proverb mentions, "Chie hat pane mai non morit - one who has bread never dies" (Counihan, p.29). The Easter Holiday is one where bread brings itself into the symbolic realm. Bread is significant for religious purposes. Luisa Fois described bread in her life after she was married and for the Easter holiday. The bread was made into a cross to represent the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Since they were married, they needed to eat it together. They would share their lives now, and they must share their "cross" together (their life's burden) as well. "Bread was a product of their union, and its shared consumption reaffirmed their interdependence" (Counihan, p.30). From this we gather than bread also displays a message, rather than being an item purely for consumption and nutritional purposes. Two kinds of Easter Bread are described in Counihans article. One contained two points, and an egg covered with a cross. "The egg and the points that recall birds in flight speak of fertility, sexuality, and procreation - basic themes in Easter and its pagan precursors" (Counihan, p.41). The second bread was designed to have no overall shape, but was rather baked to encircle an egg, with the initials "BP" put on it. The initials BP stand for Buona Pasqua or Happy Easter. "Letters rather than forms express meaning. Letters are symbolic of civilization and ... meaning" (Counihan, p.41).

Easter bread Recipe

3 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 package fast acting/or rapid rise dry yeast
2 eggs, beaten
2/3 cup milk, heated
2 tablespoons butter, melted in the milk
1 tablespoon anise seed
1/2 cup candied fruit (optional)
1/4 cup chopped nuts (optional)
5 raw colored eggs


Mix together 1 cup of the flour, sugar, salt, and yeast. Add dry mixture to the milk and melted butter mixture along with the eggs. Beat with a mixer 2 minutes.

Stir in enough of the remaining flour and the anise seed (plus any of the optional ingredients) to make a soft dough. Knead for 8-10 min. Add flour as necessary so dough is not "sticky".

Let rise for about 1-1 1/2 hour till double in size. Divide dough in half. Roll each piece into 24-inch rope. Overlap dough over itself (twist 2 pieces together) connecting the four end pieces to form a wreath.

Place on greased baking sheet. Place the five raw colored eggs into spaces between "twists" evenly. Brush with melted butter (not included in ingredient list). Let rise for 1 hour. Bake at 350F 35-50 minutes.

Note: the "twisting" and placement of the raw eggs to look nice is the most difficult part. This does get easier the more you make these.


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Easter Bread, Easter, Bread, island, basket, Sunday, date, calendar, decoration, when is easter, gift, recipe